
This digital painting, inspired by Olivia Rodrigo’s song “Jealousy”, represents the stage of the self love journey where Kayla reflects on her insecurities, body dysmorphia, and eating disorder. She's always had an unhealthy relationship with her body, and has been told many negative things about herself by her peers, friends and family and it would push her to the point of being suicidal. This piece is a way for Kayla to address the intense jealousy she would have for those around her who were skinny, and how she so often hated herself for how she looked and how she felt towards others. 

The digital painting is meant to look like a page out of a diary or scrapbook, because this is where Kayla would often vent about her insecurities. It has a Y2K aesthetic because the early 2000s image of thinness being equal to beauty/worth is the way of thinking that had been forced on Kayla by those around her.